How to Use the Choice Activity

  • 0
  • January 4, 2018

The Choice activity allows you to propose a prompt or question with specific answers that students are able to choose from. Best uses of this activity include as a poll in your course or as a sign-up for presentations.

Adding the Choice Activity to Your Course

To add a Choice to your course, locate the Administration block on the main course page and select Turn editing on.

turn editing on 2

Next, locate the module you want to add the Choice to. At the bottom of the module, select Add an activity or resource. Select Choice and then Add.

choice activity

Editing Choice Settings

Once you have added the Choice, you can modify the following settings:

  1. General
    • Choice name: A required field
    • Description: An optional field where you can enter a description or information for students about the choice
    • Display mode for the options: Allows you to choose whether the options are listed horizontally or vertically
  2. Options
    • Allow choice to be updated: If Yes is selected, students will be able to change their response after submitting.
    • Allow more than one choice to be selected: Determines if students can select one answer or multiple answers
    • Limit the number of responses allowed: If you select Yes, you will be able to set how many students can select each answer choice.
    • Options: The options are the responses that students can select. If you selected Yes for Limit the number of responses allowed, you will be able to set the number of students who can select each answer choice. To add additional options, click Add 3 field(s) to form. Any option fields left blank will be excluded from the choice when students view it.
  3. Availability: Allows you to limit the time frame that students can answer the Choice. You can also select Show Preview if you want students to be able to preview the Choice before it opens.
  4. Results
    • Publish Results: Determines if students can see the results of the choice. There are four options:
        1. Do not publish results to students
        2. Show results to students after they answer
        3. Show results to students only after the choice is closed (Note: You must set an Allow responses until date for this option to work.)
        4. Always show results to students (This will allow students to see the responses even if they have not responded themselves.)
    • Privacy of Results: Determines how much information about the results students can see. There are two options
      1. Publish anonymous results, do not show student names
      2. Publish full results, showing names and their choices
    • Show column for unanswered: If you select Yes, the results page will display a list of students who have not answered the choice.
    • Include responses from inactive/suspended users: If you select Yes, the results page will include responses from students who are not active in the course or who have been suspended from Moodle.

Note: You cannot add the Choice activity to the gradebook. If you would like it to be graded, you must create a manual grade item in the gradebook.

Once you have selected the desired settings, click Save and return to course to return to the main course page, or select Save and display to view the Choice.

Viewing the Results

To view the responses of your choice, click on the Choice from the main course page and select View responses at the top right. From this page, you can select a response for a student, change a response, or delete a response. You can also download the results as an Excel file or a text file.