A JSON String Error is a generic error that users may encounter when trying to upload a file to an assignment or forum post, or when trying to upload a photo to their Moodle profile.
Most errors are caused by using an Internet browser that is not sufficiently compliant with Moodle.
● An internet browser is the program that you use to access the internet. Some common browsers include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.
● Try uploading your file or picture with Firefox if you encounter this error and are not using the Mozilla Firefox browser.
○ You can download the Firefox browser at the Firefox website (www.mozilla.org/en-US/) at no cost if you do not have it on your computer.
● Contact Technical Support by calling 1-800-985-9781, opening the Help Center in Moodle and starting a chat, or sending an email to support@learninghouse.com if you encounter this issue while using Mozilla Firefox. The error may need to be fixed by a Technical Support Specialist.