Adobe Connect Breakout Rooms

  • 0
  • January 4, 2018

Steps for creating breakout rooms:

  1. Click the “Breakout Room View” button in the Attendees pod:

breakout rooms 1

  1. Three breakout rooms are created automatically. Click the add button (1) to add more rooms (up to 20) or the X (2) to remove a room. Either drag and drop students into the rooms or click the “Evenly Distribute from Main” button (3):

 breakout rooms 2

  1. When students are in the correct rooms, click “Start Breakouts.”
  2. Students have the presenter role in the rooms.

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  1. Bring the students back to the main room by clicking on “End Breakouts.”



  • Instructors can visit a breakout room by clicking and dragging their name to a room.
  • Instructors can send a message to all breakout rooms:

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The message displays as a pop-up for students.

Students can also send a message to the instructor the same way.

  • After the instructor has ended the breakout rooms, content can be shared with the main room:

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  • All breakout rooms use the active layout in the main room. A share pod is necessary if students need to upload documents.
  • Recordings only capture the main room, not the breakout rooms.

Interested in learning more about holding synchronous sessions in your online classroom? Feel free to explore the following articles in our Center for Teaching and Learning: