Grades: How to Export a Gradebook to Excel

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  • March 19, 2014

Instructors can export a gradebook to Excel if they want to save a copy of it outside of Moodle.

  1. Click Grades in the Navigation block to open the gradebook.
  2. Locate and click the Export tab; select Excel Spreadsheet on the second row of tabs.
  3. The next page lists all grade items in the course; choose the items you wish to export.
  4. Export format options are available below the list of grade items. Export format options include the following:
    1. Include feedback in export, which should be clicked if the instructor wishes to include feedback comments from the assignment
    2. Grade export display types (real, percentage, or letter), which should be clicked if the instructor wishes to display how the grade will be displayed
    3. Grade export decimal point, which should be clicked if the user wishes to bring up a drop down menu to select the decimal point percentage of the grade
  1. Click the Download button to save the spreadsheet.

Interested in learning more about grading and feedback in your online course? Feel free to explore the following article on our Center for Teaching and Learning: